Bezalel's Compass

November 25, 2021

Welcoming Thanksgiving

The pairing of words and phrases interests me, I’m a nerd. I was ruminating over thanks(giving) and its greek counterpart euchariteo which made me think obviously, of the Eucharistic communion and its community building aspect. Welcome (OE-wilcuma) meant, back in the day, another’s will, nay, desire, pleasure of your travel or coming. What made me smile this morning was our culture’s for granted pairing of “thank you” and “you’re welcome”. May our desire to give thanks and praise to Christ be coupled with our Father’s pleasure in our coming into His presence in/as community to commune with Him vertically and each other horizontally. The cross of reality. For this wondrous grace I will, well, look forward to the coming Advent Sunday. Blessings and good cheer.

November 18, 2021

Premature Rubble

This is a perspective section I drew showing the interior of a proposed church. But in the grand scheme of things, the building is not the church. Its premature rubble.

Premature Rubble – pencil on vellum


Oil on Canvas

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